Brendon is building his Mini Vee in New South Wales, Australia.
Here's the basic framework going together.
"I shortened it to 3 metres to save on materials, and I will have to push it to the lake anyway," he says. "I only live 1 km away."
His shortening operation is plain to see -- between the transom and the last bulkhead. Compare this photo to the one above it....
The bulkheads have been lightened, sheer clamps bent on, and the "keel" installed.
Beveling the keel.
Brendon has also added some reinforcement between the transom and bulkhead #4.
The framework done, it's time for the bottom plywood.
The bottom almost done.
The view from behind. That's a good-looking shape.
The boat upright and the deck installed.
"All up its taken around about 6 weeks from start to finish, but i bought the plans early last year."
"It's been a hassle to find a marine ply supplier in my area. But all up its been worth it."
The dashboard, and the fuel tank tucked in under the front cowling.
A closer look at the fuel tank platform. Wisely, he has cut limbers to make sure water can drain to the transom.
Here has has the beginnings of his steering system.
"Fibre glassing should be done by this friday," he says.
"Still have to find a motor, thinking 15 hp to 20 hp"
'Glassing done, on goes the undercoat.
And then the top coats.
Seems you can never go wrong with red on a racing boat.
And there's something rather traditional about a red and white powerboat.
"Its been a lot of fun," Brendon says.
"Great boat. Now to see how it performs."
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