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Mini Tunnel (Redesigned Version) Boat Plans
Page Two
Initial Assembly & Cross-beams

Set up the tunnel sides, upside down, in there correct positions relative to each other -- and at a height off the floor conducive to constructing your boat.

I used some scraps of flake board cut the width of the tunnel (36" for the Mini) with a 2x4 cleat at each end. As bulkheads and beams are installed, these temporary forms can be removed.

I strongly suggest you install bulkheads and beams with screws only at first, then do final assembly with glue once you are certain all is correct.

At each station, install one bulkhead section to each tunnel side. Make certain each bulkhead is perfectly aligned with its station line (except for the transom; see below), and the reference line on the bulkhead is perfectly aligned with the reference line on the tunnel side.

Install the inner bulkheads at this time and wait for later to install the outer sections.

Mark each beam at its centerline (on the bottom edge and both faces) and where it will meet the tunnel sides, 18" either side of the center.

Once you have a bulkhead section on each tunnel side at a station, you can slide the beam into place. Align the beam with the bottom edge of the inner bulkhead AND make certain the tunnel side is aligned with the marks on your beam.

The bow and transom beams can be cut from solid stock or laminated from smaller lumber. Here my bow beam is being laminated from 1" pine.

Transom beam also laminated from 1" pine.

The bow beam is cut and/or planed to shape and assembled with its outer bulkhead section (again, there is no inner bulkhead at station one).

Add a cleat to the aft face of the bow beam to facilitate attachement of the the tunnel battens to the beam.

This cleat is 36" long and extends the width of the tunnel.

The transom pieces that you have drawn and cut from the drawings is actually the inner transom.

This inner tansom will be mounted 1/4" forward of the station line, leaving room to install the outer transom later in the building process.

Transom beam cut and planed to its final shape.

Temporarily install the transom beam with its outer bulkheads (there are no inner bulkheads here).

Trace the deckline onto the beam, disassemble and trim the beam and cut the notches for the outer deck beams.

Install a cleat along the forward-facing edge of the transom beam for attachment of the Tunnel Battens to the beam.

See the "Stern Details" drawing for more information.

Alternatively, you could notch the beam to receive the ends of the Battens.

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