Mini Tunnel (Redesigned Version) Boat Plans
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A word about motor height. On a typical fishing boat, the motor's cavitation plate is about even with the bottom of the boat, or up to an inch below the bottom. Motors on racing boats are mounted much higher. On a tunnelboat you can generally jack your motor up as high as performance dictates, to the point where the entire "bullet" is actually above the deepest part of the boat. There will still be plenty of spray coming through the tunnel to feed the cooling water intake, and you will have reduced engine drag to the barest minimum. However, in order to take advantage of this maximalist engine setup on your tunnelboat, you will surely need hydraulic trim. Otherwise you may find it impossible to get your boat on plane. | |
A jackplate is the device you will need to easily adjust the height of you motor for best performance. Jack plates can be purchased. But they are a simple device that you can build yourself. Please consider my Jackplate Plans. | |
Trim is a very nice feature to have on a tunnelboat, and almost a necessity on one expected to excede 50 mph. The engine angle that works best going upwind will likely be too low when you turn around and head downwind. On a breezy day, the best downwind angle may be uncontrollable into the wind, and in the worst case could lead to a blow-over. The system shown here uses a 1980s vintage Mercury trim cylinder. The cylinder is attached at the forward end to a bracket that is actually part of the jackplate (details included in my Jackplate Plans). The aft end is connected to the motor by a homemade bracket made, in this case, from a short section of aluminum channel. More information about adding trim to your boat HERE. | |
These Mercruiser type pumps generally work very well. Probably any pump will do, though you generally want one that moves the cylinder quickly. | |
Another development in homebuilt trim systems: Using a mechanical actuator in place of a hydraulic cylinder. Brent Compton (from Customer Projects) tested his system on his Dillon Mini Vee with a 30 hp OMC motor and reports that it "worked great!" I've never tried this myself, so I can't recommend it personally. But it seems worthy of further experimentation, at least with smaller motors. A new Lenco actuator can be purchased for under $200. A pair of solenoids is all that's needed to complete the system. See also this discussion on Boat Racing Facts. | |